Courtesy Delivery and Curbside Service


Hello Everyone,

As of today, March 18, we are open for business; however, while the door is open we are encouraging customers to phone in or email orders for seed and feed so that we may load your car while you wait. We, like everyone else, are trying to limit personal contact. Store hours will be 10 am until 4 pm until further notice. To view our full menu of Seed & Feed click here, and follow us on FaceBook and Instagram for updates. Call 615-356-7640, or e-mail for orders.

During the next few weeks, or longer, The Wood Thrush Shop would like to extend the courtesy of delivering bird feed and seed to anyone who is confined to home because of recent developments. If you or someone you know is in the high risk group and is trying to limit errands please let us help. The birdfeeders are a real source of pleasure and entertainment for many older people and while confined to home may need a bag of their favorite seed. And if you can get out and about but want to limit your contact with people you may call in your order and we will bring it out to your car while you wait. Please contact John or Jamie, 615-356-7640, or email to place an order or to set up a delivery. Thank you to all of our great customers and best regards.

John Carreau

The Wood Thrush Shop