bluebird courtship

Wood Thrush Notes

Bluebirds getting busy

In the past two weeks I have witnessed Bluebirds landing on and looking in nestboxes around my yard. Some of you have reported the same thing. Even in very cold temperatures this is normal behavior for Bluebirds in February as they begin to show interest in potential nest sites. You may see a couple of males and a female, or a couple of females and a male arrive together and go through some of the motions of courtship: wing fluttering and maybe even putting a few sprigs of nest material in the box. None of this is with any intent to nest now but simply preparation for a couple of months from now. A few eager Bluebirds may begin nesting as early as mid-March; however, the vast majority will not begin in earnest until the mid to latter part of April. So, now is a great time to present a Bluebird box if you haven’t already. And if you were thinking about moving a nestbox because of lack of success for a few years now is a really good time to do so. Video of Bluebirds wing waving.

Don’t forget next weekend, February 16th-19th is the annual Great Backyard Bird Count. Simply count and record birds you see from any location. For more information and how to count and record the birds you see visit

Local Birding Events

Lots of things will be happening in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. We will start seeing bluebird courtship anytime now, owls are in their early nesting stages, and the first Purple Martin has been spotted in Tennessee!

There are a couple local birding events coming up this week that you may be interested in.

The first is the monthly meeting of the Nashville chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society (NTOS). Chris Sloan will present this month’s program on Australia – a land of so many interesting birds, mammals and landscapes. Chris will share wildlife photos and stories from a three week trip to eastern Australia, starting in the tropical north and ending in beautiful Tasmania. Feel free to stop by. The public is always welcome. The meeting will be Thursday, Feb 20, at Radnor Lake State Park, 1160 Otter Creek Rd, Nashville. They will gather at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:15 p.m.

The Second will be a winter bird banding day at the Warner Park Nature Center. Observe the B.I.R.D. research team in action as they trap, band and document resident chickadees, cardinals and woodpeckers as well as other birds who call Warner Park their winter home. In the past, they have inventoried juncos, yellow-belled sapsuckers, winter wrens, brown creepers and purple finches! All ages are welcome and registration is not required. The bird banding day in on Saturday, February 22, drop-in between 9 a.m.-noon Click here to view the Nature Centers event page.

We are nearing the end of our big February sale. Customers have shown a great response to the seed storage program and we are very happy to have been able to provide everyone with this service. We still have three days left of our sale, so there is still time to save on new feeders and store your seed with us at the discounted price. Click here to get all the info on the sale, and thank you to all who have participated.